Community For Models & Photographers Of Color

Community For Models & Photographers Of Color

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Nature Guy: the campaign is for men's grooming, and it's called "nature down to a science." Its all about how nature an...
Nature Guy:
the campaign is for men's grooming, and it's called "nature down to a science." Its all about how nature and science work together to create great products. the shoot will be personifying nature and science and how they get along and work together. It will be a comic role, but also should come across as educated and relatable.
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel
Required Skills:

Science Guy:
the campaign is for men's grooming, and it's called "nature down to a science." It's about how nature and science work together to create great products. The shoot will be personifying nature and science and how they get along and work together. it will be a comic role, but also should come across as educated and relatable.
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel
Required Skills:
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    Nature Guy:
    the campaign is for men's grooming, and it's called "nature down to a science." Its all about how nature and science work together to create great products. the shoot will be personifying nature and science and how they get along and work together. It will be a comic role, but also s...
    Nature Guy:
    the campaign is for men's grooming, and it's called "nature down to a science." Its all about how nature and science work together to create great products. the shoot will be personifying nature and science and how they get along and work together. It will be a comic role, but also should come across as educated and relatable.
    Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
    Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel
    Required Skills:

    Science Guy:
    the campaign is for men's grooming, and it's called "nature down to a science." It's about how nature and science work together to create great products. The shoot will be personifying nature and science and how they get along and work together. it will be a comic role, but also should come across as educated and relatable.
    Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
    Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel
    Required Skills:
    7th Mar, 2022 8:00PM - 31st Mar, 2022 6:00PM
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